• The site www.UNIGRAINS.fr belongs to UNIGRAINS, a public limited company with a board of directors, 7 000 000 euros of capital, headquartered at 23 avenue de Neuilly, 75116 PARIS, RCS 642 008 296
  • E-mail: contact@unigrains.fr
  • Telephone: +33 (0)1 44 31 10 00
  • Intra-community VAT N°: FR 78 642 008 296
  • Director of publication: Ari Levine, Director of HR-CSR-Communication
  • Contact of the website host: OVH





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Gender Equality Index

  • 2024 Professional Equality Index for Women and Men for the 2023 financial year: 88/100
  • Indicator related to the pay gap: 33/40
  • Indicator related to the difference in the rate of individual raises: 35/35
  • Indicator related to the % of employees who benefited from an increase in the year following their return from maternity leave: 15/15
  • Indicator related to the number of employees of the under-represented sex among the 10 employees who received the highest salaries: 5/10

Unigrains has established an action plan in favour of professional equality between women and men that aims to strengthen gender diversity, ensure access to promotion and training and reduce unjustified wage gaps between the sexes. Unigrains is also a signatory of France Invest's Gender Parity Charter, which includes thirty commitments in favour of Parity.



  • To download the 2023 Agricéréales Extra-Financial Performance Declaration (in French):
    click here
  • To download the 2023 Unigrains Extra-Financial Performance Declaration (in French):
    click here
  • To download the 2022 Agricéréales Extra-Financial Performance Declaration (in French):
    click here
  • To download the 2022 Unigrains Extra-Financial Performance Declaration (in French):
    click here
  • To download the 2021 Agricéréales Extra-Financial Performance Declaration (in French):
    click here
  • To download the 2021 Unigrains Extra-Financial Performance Declaration (in French):
    click here

AGENCE K2 - Paris


AGENCE K2 - Paris
Director Artistique : Nicolas Gauthier




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